Monday, November 2, 2009

Why spell G-d?

It is a practice by many Jewish people to omit the o in G-D. I came across this fact some time ago as I started to explore my Jewish Jesus. Y'shua (Jesus) who followed the tradions of the day Luke 4:12-15

G-d's name is treated with unusual reverence and care in Jewish tradition. The divine name, YHWH (spelled with the Hebrew letters yud, hey, vav, hey) is never pronounced. Traditionally, Jews read the word "Adonai" (often translated as "the Lord") whenever reading G-d's holiest name in Torah or in prayer. However, "Adonai" is not G-d's name. It is a personal choice I think to follow this practice. It is one of the ways many have chosen to respect The Creator, The Heavenly Father and the Father of Y'shua.

<" I took out the o">

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